If you want to learn how to manage User information, please refer to the article: How to manage User information
1. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a user:
1.1 In the Bureau Works Index screen, click on the People tab and then click on Add User
1.2 Insert the requested information (marked with *) and then click on Save
to complete the User Creation:
The following fields are mandatory: Name, Email, Organization, and Role.
2. Important notes:
Only users with the Account Admin and Project Manager (PM) roles are permitted to create new users. The Project Manager (PM) can only create users with the roles of Project_Manager and Vendor.
If you encounter the warning message “A system error occurred” after clicking the Save button, it may be due to the email address already being registered on the platform. Please check your user list, ask the user to reset their password, or try registering the user with a different email address.