This article lists the supported and unsupported file extensions by Bureau Works platform and alternatives for translating files with unsupported extensions.
⚠️Currently, our file size limit is 2 GB.
Supported Extensions
Extension |
.csv |
.docx .docm .dotm .dotx .odt .txt |
.htm .html |
.idml |
.js |
.json |
.md |
.odg .odp .ods .odt .otg .otp .ots .ott |
.pdf* |
.php |
.po |
.pptx .pptm .pot .potx .potm .ppsx .ppsm |
.properties |
.srt** .vtt** |
.strings |
.tsv |
.xlf .xliff .xliff2 .sdlxliff .txlf |
.xlsx .xlsm .xltm .xltx |
.XML |
.dita .ditamap |
.yaml .yml |
* Bureau Works uses the most sophisticated Adobe PDF tool to manipulate PDF files. Non-scanned documents will work perfectly 99% of the time, but scanned PDFs will always depend on the quality of the scanned document, the format, font, language, and other factors. For scanned PDFs some engineering work may be required before uploading for translation
** The standard time used in .srt and .vtt files and used in Bureau Works editor parsing is composed of hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds, represented by HH:MM:SS.sss
HH: hours (double digits)
MM: minutes (double digits)
SS: seconds (double digits)
sss: milliseconds (triple digits)
Unsupported Extensions
Extension | Alternative |
.doc | Convert into .docx |
.ai | Requires transcription |
.cptx | Export into .xml |
.gif .jpg .png | Requires transcription |
.indd | Convert into .idml |
.mdx | - |
.mov .mp4 | Requires transcription to .srt format (when the goal is to subtitle the video) or to a Word document (when there is no need to subtitle the video) |
.mp3 .wav | Requires transcription |
.psd | - |
.rar .zip | Unzip the files before uploading into Bureau Works |
.rtf | - |
.story | Export a .docx from Storyline |
.svg | - |