Bureau Works enables AI integration through either our dedicated instance or a custom client instance. To utilize your custom instance, you need to enable AI Data Sharing in Bureau Works and then direct our integration to your specific OpenAI or Microsoft Azure instance. This article will guide you on how to accomplish this.
1. Step 1: Enabling Bureau Works AI Features
2. Step 2: Pointing to your instance
2.1 Open AI
2.2 Azure
1. Step 1: Enabling Bureau Works AI Features
1. In Bureau Works, click on Settings > Translation Settings > LLMs. This will open the LLMs (Large Language Model) page.
2. Turn on the Enable the Augmented Translation Actions option.
3. Decide whether you want to accept the Data Privacy notice.
2. Step 2: Pointing to your instance
At this point, you can decide to use the Bureau Works instance or your own Azure or OpenAI instance. To do so, you need to click on the blue arrow and select your provider:
Bureau Works Instance
Your own Open AI instance
Your own Microsoft Azure Instance
⚠️ It is worth noting that Bureau Works integration with OpenAI and Azure directly uses the Official OpenAI and Azure API, which is a paid API service. Therefore, ensure that you have credits loaded into your OpenAI account associated with the API key provided.
2.1 Open AI
Before entering your Open AI key, please make sure you generated the key following these steps. Once done, input the OpenAI API Key, validate it, and then save.
2.2 Azure
Before entering your Azure key, please make sure you generated the key following these steps. Afterward, enter the Azure API key, Resource Name, and Deployment Name, then validate and save.
Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to use the custom AI instance within Bureau Works.