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How to manage the Accounting Section
How to manage the Accounting Section
Updated over a week ago

This article will help the Product Managers and Account_Admin roles to understand and manage the Accounting Section of our platform.

Accessing the Accounting Section

To access the Account Section, on the lateral menu, click on Accounting and choose between Payables or Receivables.


⚠️ Note that the user must have the following permissions to be able to manage and visualize both Receivables and Payables:



The Payables section will organize and synthesize all the important information and actions regarding the Agency’s Payables, offering management and control.

- Once you select the Payables page, you will find the following:

  1. Payoneer: The amount the Agency has to pay through Payoneer

  2. Paypal: The amount the Agency has to pay through Paypal

  3. Currency: The amount the Agency has to pay through Bank Transfer

  4. Missing Payment Method: The total amount the Agency has to pay to users that did not insert the payment method yet

  5. Search Field and Filter: Where you can search for the Agency Payables, you can filter by User, Name, Missing Accounting, Creation Date, Due Date, and Status

  6. Payable Number: The number automatically created for the Payable, can be used for reference.

  7. User: The Vendor’s user name, the person who will receive the payment

  8. Creation Date: The date when the Payable was created

  9. Due Date: The Due Date for the payment

  10. Amount: The total amount and the currency of the payment

  11. Status: The status of the Payable - “Paid” for when the payment has been made to the Vendor, “Pending” for when the Agency is waiting for the Vendor to upload the receipt (only for Brazilian territory), “Pending_Approval” for when the Vendor doesn’t need to upload any document, but the Agency has to approve it, “Waiting for Reconciliation” for when the payment is being double-checked and “Ready” for when everything is done

  12. Accounting: The status of the Accounting, "ACC Status" in green means that the payment has been made and confirmed, and the "ACC Status" in yellow means that confirmation is needed

  13. Document: Where the Agency can download, remove and upload the Vendor’s receipt for the payment

- By clicking on a Payable vertical ellipsis, the following options are available:

  • Details: A list showing the following information for each item that composes the Payable: Project IDs, Receivable amount, Payable amount and Profitability

  • Approve: This option is for approving the Payable

  • Void: This option is for canceling the Payable

  • Upload Document: This option is for the linguist to upload a document, for example, a receipt

  • Download Payable: This option is for downloading the Payable


The Receivables section will organize and synthesize all the important information and actions regarding the Agency’s Receivables, offering management and control. It is in the Receivables pages where you will find information about the income for your Agency, like the Receivables sent and the Projects that are ready to be invoiced.

In the Receivables main view, you will see the “Receivables” tab and the “Ready to Invoice” tab.

Receivables Tab

  1. Search Field and Filter: Where you can search for the Agency Receivables, you can filter by Organizational Unit, Creation Date, Due Date, and Status

  2. Receivable Number: It is the unique ID number for that invoice

  3. Organizational Unit: The Organizational Unit that is responsible for the Agency’s payment

  4. Installment: The number of installments the Receivable was divided into (single or multiple)

  5. Billing Contact: The Client contact (billing contact)

  6. Creation Date: The date when the Receivable was created

  7. Due Date: The Due Date for the Receivable

  8. Amount: The total amount and the currency of the payment

  9. Status: The Receivable' status - “Invoiced” for when the Agency has already sent the invoice, "Partially_Invoiced" for when the Agency has sent one or more invoices (in case we have multiples invoices), “Paid” for when the payment has been received, “Partially_Paid” for when the payment has been partially received and “Void” for when the receivable has been canceled

- By clicking on a Receivable vertical ellipsis, the following options are available:

  • Mark As Paid: This option is for marking the Receivable as Paid

  • Mark As Void: This option is for marking the Receivable as Void

  • Download Receivable: This option is for downloading the Receivable

- You can also select several Receivables and bulk mark them as Paid or Void:


Ready to Invoice Tab

This tab will show all the delivered Projects that are ready to invoice. Once you create the Invoice for a specific project, it will go straight to the Receivables tab.

  1. Search Field and Filter: Where you can search for the Agency Receivables that are Ready to Invoice, you can filter by Name, Organization, Organizational Unit, Project Manager, Reference, Creation Date, Due Date, and Tags

  2. Project: Project’s Reference, name and Status

  3. Contact: The Organizational Unit and the Project’s requester and contact person (Client Role)

  4. Amount: The total invoice’s amount in the corresponding currency

  5. Creation Date: When the Project was created

  6. Due Date: The Due Date of the Project

  7. Delivery Date: When the Project was delivered

  8. Source: The Source Language of the Project

  9. Target: The Target(s) Languages of the Project

    - By Selecting a Project, you can “Create a Receivable” and “Export to XLS”:


- When you click on “Create Receivable”, the following window will open:

  1. Project(s) Amount: You may select more than one Project to create a Receivable. Note that they must belong to the same Organization Unit

  2. Organization Unit: The Organization Unit to which the Project(s) belong(s).

  3. Contact: The Project(s) requester, the user must have the role “Client”

  4. Memorandum: This field will bring the information from the Memorandum field of the Organizational Unit

  5. Taxes: Taxes to be deducted from the Receivable. You can either use it all or none of them

  6. Installments: You can choose to divide the Receivable into more than one installment


a) Number of Installments: The number of installments you want to divide the Receivable
b) Interval between Installments: The number of days you want to set as an interval for each installment
c) Only invoice first installment: The system will only create an invoice for the first installment
d) Equally distributed amount among installments: When enabled, all installments will have the same value

7. Total, Tax Amount and Net Amount: The value for Total, Tax Amount and Net Amount

8. First Due Date: The Due Date set to the Receivable be paid

9. Purchase Order: This is the purchase order information. This field will bring the information from the Project (you can check it from the Costs tab)

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