In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of both the existing configurations and the available options that can be implemented within an organizational unit.
If you need to learn how to create an Organizational Unit, please refer to the following article:
1. General
After creating the Organizational Unit, we can access and view various configurations. The first available tab is General.
In the General tab, you can include more direct information about the Organizational Unit, such as its name and address. Bureau Works allows users to define their own method of organization, so Organizational Units may not necessarily be companies with a physical address. Therefore, most of these fields are not mandatory to fill out.
Name: Defined by the user, this is the chosen name for the Organizational Unit. Initially set up at the creation, it can be changed at the user's convenience. This field is mandatory and cannot be left empty.
Organization: It is the level above the unit in the hierarchy. The unit's "parent". It is defined at the time the Organizational Unit is created and cannot be altered later. This field is mandatory, and it cannot be left empty.
Memorandum: It is a field where more extensive details about the unit can be entered. It may include information about what the Organizational Unit is about, what types of projects will be created from it, and any other relevant details deemed necessary.
Timezone: It provides information about which timezone that unit is located in. It is used to align delivery dates with those of other users if they are in different time zones. Also set during the creation of the unit, it can be changed later on. This field is mandatory, and it cannot be left empty.
Tags: Created by the user, they are used as a way to categorize Organizational Units and their projects. They are also present for users and are used as a means of searching for correspondences between specialties and areas of expertise among projects and linguists.
Country: Select which country this organization unit is based or referred to.
Contact Notes: A field available to receive relevant information or any details worth noting about the client that can be needed in any communication. The user can check the Organizational Unit whenever needed and have important information displayed right on the front page.
More settings: Includes other configurations. They are detailed below.
Auto Task Placement: Enables Auto Task Placement at an Organizational Unit Level, meaning that all projects created under this Org. Unit will have the Auto Task Placement enabled as default.
Match Isolated Tags: When enabled, vendors must have all project tags to be eligible for Auto Task Placement. If disabled, vendors can be eligible if they have any of the project's tags. This option will afect all projects created under this Org. Unit.
Quote Automation: It will enable Quote Automotion by default for all projects created under this Org. Unit.
Disable Editor Categorization: Disables categorization for review workflows and set this option as default for every project created under this Org. Unit.
Upload .PNG or .JPEG: Allows the user to upload an image for better caracterization of this Org. Unit.
Adressing: Allows the user to fill in adressing information, just like their eletronic address.
It is not possible to alter the foundational creation details of assets, such as the parent organization of an organizational unit. Bureau Works does not support the transfer or movement of these data elements to ensure the utmost protection of user data and assets. This policy aligns with our commitment to maintaining a secure environment, adhering to the highest standards of data integrity, and complying with SOC 2 Type 2 certification requirements.
An organizational unit has numerous associations and correlated metadata, and to prevent any disruption or unauthorized access, these associations are considered definitive and cannot be modified.
2. Projects
Within this tab are settings that function as default configurations for the Organizational Unit. These settings will be automatically applied across all projects. However, during project creation, you will still have the opportunity to modify them as needed.
1. Contact Person: Sets the point of contact of every project created under this Org. Unit. The Project Manager is normally the point of contact.
2. Source Language:Set the default source language. This setting speeds up project configuration by defaulting to the language indicated below; however, it can be changed manually for each project if necessary.
3. Target Languages: Set the language to which the project should be translated. Multiple languages can be selected. This setting speeds up project configuration by defaulting to the language indicated below; however, it can be changed manually for each project if necessary.
4. Regular expression/Override Default Regex: Also known as Regex, they are a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, allowing you to perform complex searches and replace operations in strings. Essentially, the regex will determine which segments of your content need to remain accessible for translation and which segments should be transformed into tags. When the option Override Default Regex is enabled, the informed expression will override the default configuration.
5. Continuous Tags: You can determine which will be the corresponding tags for projects created via connectors.
6. Count 100% TM Match Over Repetition: If enabled, 100/101% segment matches will not be considered as repetitions when the logfile is calculated for every project created under this Org. Unit.¹
7. Ignore Subsequent Non-Translatable as Repetitions: If enabled, all Non-Translatable segments will be considered as non-translatable, and their subsequent non-translatable segment will not be considered as a repetition.¹
8.Continuous Project Configuration: This option allows you to standardize the prefixes/suffixes that should be included in the translated file name based on the language. When downloading a translated file in the pt-BR language, for example, the translated file name can be pt_br/filename>, standardizing file nomenclature.
9. Filter Settings: Allows you to create standardized custom filters for new projects created under this Org. Unit. You can learn more about Project Filters here.
10. Credentials For Web Preview: Credentials to access the web preview in the Editor.
¹ Depending on the logfile and net rate settings, it may have an impact on the project's overall cost.
3. Prices
This tab allows you to configure information about project expenses.
1. Charge By Words or Pages: A project can be charged by the number of words or by the number of pages. Charging by pages is mostly used for DPT workflow.
2. Words per Unit: It is possible to specify the number of words that the system considers each billing unit to contain. If pricing per word, for example, this setup is set to one word per unit. If you are charging per page, you can assume an average number of words per page and enter that value here, for example, 50 words per page.
3. Currency: Specify in which currency the value will be set.
4. Show Requester Name: When enabled, it will display the Client's name on the invoice after the delivery of the project.
5. Delete/Add: At least one price list needs to be included for the Organizational Unit. The price lists must first be linked to the parent Organization of each unit.
6. Price list: Displays any price list that is associated with Organizational Units. It is possible to verify its Name, its Currency, its Minimum Fee setting, its Default Price per item, and its Minimum Fee value.
7. Default: To expedite project formation criteria, you can make a price list the default one.
If you need to learn more about price lists, please refer to How to create a Price List in Bureau Works.
4. Billing
The billing information can be specified on this tab. This is where you can provide the recipient's information to be included in the invoice generated after the job is completed.
1. Auto Billing Enabled: When enabled, the system will automatically send an invoice to the billing contact.
2. Send invoice to Requester: When enabled, the invoice will be sent to the project's requester instead of the billing contact.
3. Send Email Notification: Will send a email notification to the select billing contact whenever a new invoice is created.
4. Require Purchase Order: When enabled, the platform will require a PO number in order for the project to be approved. The PO number is indicated in the project creation or in the Costs tab.
5. Consolidate Invoice: When enabled, it will display consolidated information if more than one project is considered for invoicing.
6. Use User's Account Info: When enabled, this button allows you to create a receivable using the logged-in user's account information instead of the default account settings.
(Manual creation only)
7. Billing Contact information:
Invoicing Type: It is possible to define the frequency at which the Unit's project must be invoiced. It can be invoiced weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or by project.
Payment Method: The payment method can be pre-set per Unit, reflecting in all projects. The available payment methods are banking ticket, deposit, credit card, Paypal, check, Wire or ACH.
Acc. Code: Meant to inform the code for the service used by the Unit. It can be 400 for Translation Services or 401 to Software use.
Tax ID: Meant to inform client's ID. Can be CPF/CNPJ for Brazilian citizens or Tax ID for non-Brazilian.
Tracking Category: Informs from which company the invoice should be tracked, corresponding to the accounting platform system settings. Applicable only to Bureau Works Organizational Units.
Number of days Until Payment is Due: The amount of days from invoicing to payment. For exemple, if you set this field to 10, an invoice created on July 10th will have its payment due on July 20th.
Billing Emails: You can identify the email or emails responsible for the payment, one per line.
Invoice Information: Any useful information can be entered here. This content will appear on the invoice.
Issue NFe: For Brazilian citizens only.
Simples Nacional: For Brazilian citizens only.
Retain IRRF: For Brazilian citizens only.
Municipal Registration: For Brazilian citizens only.
If you want to learn more about the Accounting section, please refer to How to manage the Accounting Section.
5. Access Management
In this tab, we can add users associated with the Organizational Unit and also see the listed existing associations.
1. Search/Add User: You can search for a new user by their name and associate them with the Organizational Unit by clicking on the Add User (+) button.
2. The already associated users have their name and email listed.
3. You can easily remove an association by clicking on the delete button.
If you need to learn more about users, please refer to Creating a User in Bureau Works.
6. Translation Settings
We have numerous translation settings and a greater number of combinations that can be applied.
These settings can be pre-defined per Organizational Unit, but can also be altered directly on the project.
1. General
Translate empty segments only: Enabled by default. When any auto translation provider is enabled (TM, MT or AI), only empty segments will be translated by it.
Translate not confirmed segments only: Enabled by default. When any auto translation provider is enabled (TM, MT or AI), only not confirmed segments will be translated by it.
Complete task once all segments are confirmed: Enabled by default, will automatically deliver the task once all segments are confirmed.
Penalty for multiple 100% match: You can set a penalty percentage to be applied on to matches when a single segment have more than one TM entry with 100% match, in order to avoid context error. By setting the penalty at 5%, for exemple, the multiple 100% matches of a segment will assume the new value of 95%, avoiding the automatically fill of that entries.
Show machine translation suggestion in editor: Displays the machine translation suggestion in the suggestion tab at the Editor menu. In order to set it on, the user have to agree to a data privacy policy.
2. Auto Translate From
Context Sensitive: It alligns Artificial Intelligence, your Translation Memory and Glossaries to provide more accurate translations.
Translation Memory: Enabled by default. Allows segments to be automatically populated by content saved in the TM.
Threshold: Set by default at 80%. Defines the minimum match percentage the segment must adquire in order to be automatically populated by TM content.
Machine Translation: Allows segments to be automatically populated by machine translation. In order to set it on, the user have to agree to a data privacy policy.
3. Segments
You can choose to standardize the expected behavior of segments with high matches. This can optimize the linguist's work, preventing the translation of already saved TM content, for example.
Prioritize 100%/101% TM matches Over Context Sensitive Translation: When enabled, the editor will prioritize the translation that's stored in the TM rather than suggesting a new translation using Context Sensitive in cases of 100%/101% matches.
Confirm segments with 100% match: A segment with 100% match will be confirmed automatically by the system.
Confirm segments with 101% match: A segment with 101% match will be confirmed automatically by the system.
Lock segments with 100% match: A segment with 100% match will be locked automatically by the system.
Lock segments with 101% match: A segment with 101% match will be locked automatically by the system.
4. Unlock options
Theses features only applies to the Organizational Unit, although they are visible at the project level, and only affects the project once it has been created. After creation, changing these settings will have no impact on projects.
Unlock segments with numbers: When enabled, maintain segments that contain only numbers as unlocked and unconfirmed.
Unlock segments with special characters: When enabled, maintain segments that contain only special characters as unlocked and unconfirmed.
Unlock segments with numbers and special characters: When enabled, maintain segments that contain only numbers and special characters as unlocked and unconfirmed.
5. Mismatch Warnings
Ignore the glossary mismatch warnings: When disabled, the editor will display a warning the moment a segment with a glossary mismatch is confirmed. When enabled, the segment will be confirmed without any visual warning.²
Ignore the tags mismatch warnings: When disabled, the editor will display a warning the moment a segment with a tag mismatch is confirmed. When enabled, the segment will be confirmed without any visual warning.²
²Does not affect the QA checks warnings.
To learn more about the settings at the project level, please refer to Project's Translation Settings.
7. Context
In order for a project to have an associated translation memory or glossary, it must first be associated to their Organizational Unit. This can be done by going to the Context tab.
7.1 Translation Memory
1. Delete/Add: You can select and delete an already associated TM, or search and select a new one. The TM must first be linked to the parent Organization of each Organizational Unit.
2. Translation memory: Displays any TM that is associated to the Organizational Unit. It is possible to verify its Name, and its Source and Target languages.
3. Default: Make this the default TM for all projects.
4. Read: Make its content available in the Editor, to be used to populate segments.
5. Write: Allow the confirmed segments content to be saved in the TM.
6. Penalty: Applies a percentage penalty in the TM matches.
7. Threshold: Establishes a minimum percentage match threshold for segments to appear in the Editor's suggestions tab, making them accessible for application by linguists.
8. Creation date: Displays the creation date of the TM.
To learn more about translation memories, please refer to How to handle Translation Memories in Bureau Works.
7.2 Glossaries
In order for a project to have an associated glossary, it must first be associated to their Organizational Unit. This can be done by going to the Glossaries tab.
1. Delete/Add: You can select and delete an already associated glossary, or search and select a new one. The glossary must first be linked to the parent Organization of each Organizational Unit.
2. Glossary name: Displays any glossary that is associated to the Organizational Unit. It is possible to verify its Name, and its Source and Target languages.
3. Default: Make this the default glossary for all projects.
4. Creation date: Displays the creation date of the glossary.
To learn more about glossaries, please refer to How to create a Glossary.
8. Net Rate Settings
It is possible to personalize the Net Rate Settings at the Organizational Unit level.
This configuration can impact how project costs are calculated and how much should be charged and paid for a service. The percentage to be paid to linguists based on TM and MT/AI utilization can also be adjusted.
1. Edit Coefficients: Allows you to select your own coefficients for payment calculation.
2. Payment Logfile Type: Allows you to select if the projects created under this Org. Unit will use pre-analysis or the post-analysis logfile. You can learn more about logfiles here.
Account_admin users do not have access to this setting; nevertheless, if you need to update it, please contact the Bureau Works support team at [email protected].
9. MT Settings
Our platform allows the user to personalize it's Machine Translation provider. This setting needs to be done first at the Account level, by inserting and saving the user's provider API key into Bureau Works. After that, it can be granularly defined by the Organizational Unit level.
There are two ways to configure the MT: one is defining the new default provider, and the other is by setting it by language pair.
1. MT Settings by default: Allow the user to select a new default provider among those previously configured in the account.
2. MT Settings by language pair: Displays the already set language pairs.
3. Add Lang Pair: A pop-up window will show up for configuration. See below:
1. Select the new provider;
2. Select the source language and the target language;
3. Set as an active configuration.
It is possible to use different providers to different language pairs.
To learn how to configure the MT provider in you account, please refer to the article Bureau Works Machine Translation integration.
10. Segmentation Settings
This last tab allows you to personalize the segmentation of the files at the Organizational Unit level.
The Bureau Works Editor has several common segmentation criteria that determine how the file's information is split in order to fill the segments for the linguist to work on. It is possible to personalize these rules to adjust this behavior, allowing segmentation to work alongside translation while maintaining the content's sense.
If you need to customize these rules, please contact our support team at [email protected] and we will assist you in determining the best approach to do so.
11. LLM Settings
The Bureau Works LLM can also be called Bureau Works Generative Language Engine and its stands as the cornerstone of our suite, providing unrivaled power and efficiency. By seamlessly combining Translation Memories, Machine Translations, and Glossaries into a unified, smart, and context-aware feed, it transforms the way you work, learn, and interact. You can learn all about Bureau Works LLM here.
1. Enable Augmented Translation Actions: Enables or disables support for Augmented Translation/Review in the editor. Note: The owner account of this org.unit must have this property enabled to activate this option.
2. Enable Sending Learned Terms To Terminology Board: Enables or disables sending learned terms to the terminology board. Note: The account that owns this organizational unit must have this property enabled to activate this option.
12. Workflows
Bureau Works allows the user to define those specific steps and tasks in the moment of project creation or when uploading new files to an already existing project. Thinking about flexibility and optimization, the Bureau Works platform allows you to set custom Workflows. The Workflow is a predefined set of steps and tasks, and you can create your own custom Workflows based on the file type that is being uploaded, so you don't need to set those steps every time a new demand arrives.
1. Add a New Configuration: Allows you to create a new configuration;
2. Delete a Configuration: Allows you to delete the existing configurations;
3. Custom Workflows: Allows you to modify the configurations you've created before.
By expanding the Custom Workflows tab, you will be displayed with further settings:
1. Choose a Configuration: Choose between already existing configurations;
2. Workflow: Choose the file extensions that will load the determined workflow when creating a new project;
3. Add a new workflow: Allows you to add a new workflow step (Review, Editing) and then associate file extensions to them.
4. Delete button: Allows you to delete a workflow from your configuration.
You can learn a lot more about Custom Workflows here!
13. Notifications
Bureau Works also allows you to send email Notifications for the project's stakeholders when certain events happens.
Send Notification Emails To The Project Manager: When enabled, it will send certain notification emails to the project manager based on the project status.
Send Notification Emails To The Contact: When enabled, it will send certain notification emails to the contact based on the project status.
Send Notification Emails To Vendors: When enabled, it will send certain notification emails to vendors about their assigned tasks.
Enable Email Notifications For Available Tasks: When enabled, will send email notifications when new tasks are available for vendors
Send Project Automatically: If enabled, project updates will be automatically sent via email to stakeholders.
Enable Project Handoff: In Legacy system, updates stakeholders in bulk emails.
Enable Project Comments Notifications: When active, notifications will be sent to indicate comments in the project tab
Enable Webhook Events: If enabled, the webhook events configured at the account level will be delivered to the entities related to this organizational unit.
14. Custom Fields
Bureau Works also allows you to add metadata on it's entities, including your Organizational Unit. You can learn All About Custom Fields here.