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All CollectionsTranslation Memories
All about Translation Memories
All about Translation Memories
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to create a Translation Memory (TM) and how to use it in your projects.

After logging in to Bureau Works, enter the Context dropdown menu and click on Translation Memories.

The Translation Memories window will open. There you will find these options:

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1. Add TM: To create a new translation memory, click on Add TM.

2. Filter: You can search for a specific TM by filtering the existing ones. You can filter by TM name by typing directly into the search field. When you click the filter button, a new window will display allowing you to search for Organizational Unit, Source language, Target language and Creation date start or end.

3. Save/saved filters: It is possible to retain filter parameters to make searching and using repeated filters easier. After you've finished configuring the filter parameters, click the save icon to give it a name. The saved filters can be accessed via the Saved Filters dropdown menu.

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4. Existing TM's: Where the existing TM's are listed and the filtered ones will be displayed. Along with the TM name, you'll be able to see it's Organization, Source and Target languages and creation date without having to open it.

1. Creating a Translation Memory

After clicking on Add TM, a new window will load.

You will need to fill in the following fields in order to successfully create a new translation memory:

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1. Name: Define a name for your new TM. It can be topic related, an acronym, client related, it is up to you.

2. Organization: TM's are primarily associated with Organizations, so you'll need to choose one at the creation step. Note that one TM cannot be linked to multiple Organizations, but one Organization can encompass many different TM's.

3. Source language: Select one source language.

4. Target language: Select one or more target languages.

You can find a more detailed explanation of how to create a Translation Memory here.

It is not possible to alter the foundational creation details of assets, such as the parent organization of a translation memory. Bureau Works does not support the transfer or movement of these data elements to ensure the utmost protection of user data and assets. This policy aligns with our commitment to maintaining a secure environment, adhering to the highest standards of data integrity, and complying with SOC 2 Type 2 certification requirements.

2. Managing a Translation Memory

You will be able to enter and conduct operations on a translation memory after it has been created, as well as see and search its stored segments.

Here are some actions allowed:

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1. Reload: Reload the page.

2. Import file: It is possible to import files in the .tmx format to populate the translation memory content.


3. Actions: In the Actions dropdown menu are located four options:

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a) Edit: You can edit the translation memory name and its target languages.

b) Export: It is possible to export a .tmx file with the TM content. To learn more about how to export a TM, visit this article.

c) Clear: It is possible to clear all the TM content. This action cannot be undone.


d) Delete: It is possible to delete a TM. A TM cannot be successfully deleted if it is connected to any Organizational Unit.

4. TM troubleshooting: If the TM stored content is not properly available in the Editor, a syncronism can be manually pushed by clicking the TM Troubleshooting button. This function is available for users with the role Account_Admin or higher.

In the main section of the page, you'll encounter:

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5. Organization: Displays to which Organization the TM is associated.

6. Organizational Units: Displays the Organizational Units the TM is associated with.

7. Total segments: Displays the total of saved segments. By clicking on it, a total of segments by language will be displayed.


8. Last import: Displays the last import date. Can be clicked to show the import history.


9. Languages: Shows the source and target languages.

10. Content: Here's where the translation memory saved segments can be found. To learn more about how to search saved content in the TM, please refer to the article How to use the Translation Memory search.

💡 If you want to learn how to add or edit TM segments, please refer to the article: How to add new segments to the Translation Memories.

3. Linking a Translation Memory to an Organizational Unit (Account Admin)

Given that it is a required field for TM creation, Translation Memories are created directly in an Organization. To use a TM in a project, an existing TM must first be associated with an Organizational Unit.

This is a granular setting that allows users to associate a single Organizational Unit with several TMs, as well as establish fine details that will regulate the TM's automated behavior.

After you've finished creating the translation memory, go to the Organizational Unit tab and look for the required Organizational Unit. Enter the Context tab after locating the Organizational Unit.

1. Delete/Add: It is possible to add a translation memory or remove an already linked one.

A pop-up window will appear, presenting the available TMs. The TMs listed are those related to the Organization above the Organization Unit.

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2. Available TM: Select one or more available TM

3. Add: Click on add so they can be properly linked.

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Right after the association of a translation memory, the following options can be defined. These options will be the default for new projects and can be changed at any time.

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4. Default: When enabled, the translation memory is automatically inserted into the project.

5. Read: When enabled, the project can access the translation memory information to populate the segments and also present it in the suggestions tab.

6. Write: When enabled, allows fresh content and updated segments to be saved in the translation memory

7. Penalty: A penalty can be defined to be applied in the match % of a translation memory. The penalty will be deducted from the match percentage (for example, a 100% match will become a 95% match with a 5% penalty).

8. Threshold: Set the percentage of matches that will be displayed in the editor's suggestions tab.

After configuring the translation memories, it is possible to configure the Organizational Unit's translation settings. You can learn more about each setting here.

4. Linking a Translation Memory to a Project

When a Translation Memory is linked to an Organizational Unit, it becomes available to all projects inside that Unit.

As previously stated, a TM can be set as Default and automatically linked during project creation, or it can be added to a project after it has been built. To manually add a translation memory to a project, open it and navigate to the Context tab.

1. Add TM: Choose a translation memory to be attached to the project. The translation memories that can be chosen are those that are already associated with the respective Organizational Unit.

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After adding the chosen translation memory, you will be able to enable read and write functions, as well as define the threshold and penalty for its matches.

To erase any previously connected translation memory, simply click the trashcan button.

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After connecting translation memories to the projects, remember to check the project translation settings, to validate the pre-translation settings. You can read more about it here.

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