This article will guide you through the Project Routing feature and how it can be used to create identical projects for different Organizational Units.
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Creating the Projects
3.1 Step 1: Configuration
3.2 Step 2: Upload Files
3.3 Step 3: Preview
3.4 Projects created!
1. Introduction
To cater to diverse use cases and improve efficiency, we've developed the Project Routing feature.
This feature enables the creation of multiple copies of a single project, each tailored to specific organizational units.
By automatically distributing these copies, we eliminate the need for manual project creation. For instance, if you have a project requiring translations into multiple languages for different teams, Project Routing allows you to create all necessary project copies with just one initial setup.
2. Requirements
For the Project Routing feature to function, certain requirements must be met. A configuration must be created to establish the link between each organizational unit and its respective target language.
This can be done in your settings, under Translation Settings, Project Routing.
When creating a new configuration, you will need to:
1. Define a name for the configuration.
2. Specify the source language for the projects. Only one source language can be defined.
3. Select and add the necessary organizational units to the list.
4. Define the workflows and target languages that each organizational unit will receive when the project is created.
Create a new configuration whenever you need to define new language standards per organizational unit.
3. Creating the Projects
You can initiate a new project by clicking the "Start a new project" button located on your homepage. Alternatively, you can find this option within the projects dropdown menu on the left side of the screen.
When initiating a new project, you have the option to create either a single project or a project routing. To create the projects via Project Routing, which allows for the creation of multiple copies of a single project tailored to different organizational units, select the "routing" option.
If you're unsure whether the Project Routing Tool is right for you, simply hover your mouse over the "more info" field. A diagram will appear, providing a visual representation of the tool's functionality.
3.1 Step 1: Configuration
The first step to creating a project is to select a pre-existing configuration and provide a name for your project.
The configuration you choose will determine the organizational units and the source language for your project. These settings cannot be modified once the project is created. However, you have the flexibility to adjust the target languages. The system will automatically include all target languages associated with the configuration, but you can remove any that are not required for your specific project.
When you have finished reviewing and making any necessary changes to the fields, move on to step 2 to import your files.
3.2 Step 2: Upload Files
To import files, you have two options: you can manually browse your computer to locate and select the files, or you can use the drag-and-drop feature to directly drag and drop the files into the specified field.
Upon importing, you'll have access to a master progress bar indicating the overall import status and an individual progress bar for each file. Please wait for the entire import process to complete before advancing to step 3.
Within step 2, you have the ability to tailor the settings for each individual file. These settings offer granular control over which content is translated. To access these settings, simply click on the desired file to expand the options. To minimize the options, click on the file again.
For a more in-depth explanation of these settings, please refer to this article: How to configure your files when creating projects.
Proceed to the third and final step once you have completed the adjustments.
3.3 Step 3: Preview
The third and final step will provide a summary of the projects you've created.
Your projects will be grouped by Organizational Unit. Consequently, the number of projects generated will directly correlate to the number of units linked to the initial configuration.
A Contact Person must be manually assigned to each project. If the specific individual you are seeking is not visible in the dropdown menu, we suggest conducting a name-based search to refresh the displayed list of available users.
The project summary allows for one last opportunity to modify workflows (1) or languages (2).
Once you are satisfied with all the settings, proceed by clicking the Create button (3) to finalize your projects.
3.4 Projects created!
Congratulations! Your projects have been successfully generated.
The page will automatically refresh, displaying a list of your newly created projects.
Please note that a distinct visual indicator has been implemented to differentiate between individual projects and those that encompass multiple elements.
If you wish to isolate the projects associated with a specific group, simply click on the project routing icon associated with any project within that group. Upon clicking, the interface will refresh, presenting solely the projects belonging to the selected group.
You may now proceed with the translation of your project as needed.
For a more comprehensive understanding of the project and its various configuration options, we recommend consulting this article: Project Overview.