This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure an integration between Bureau Works and Contentful Services.
Be sure to carefully follow each step to ensure a successful integration. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us so we can resolve them as quickly as possible.
1. Installation (on Bureau Works)
2. New Configuration
2.1 Space ID on Contentfu
2.2 CMA Token in Contentfu
3. Bureau Works App Installation (on Contentful)
4. New Configuration Group (Project Config)
5. Translation Request (Single Entry)
6. Translation Requests (Multiple Entries)
6.1 Filters to Search Conten
6.2 Submit Content for Translation
7. Listing Current Projects and Pulling Translations
1. Installation (on Bureau Works)
In Bureau Works, go to the Contentful option and click Add Configuration.
2. New Configuration
Fill in all fields in the Step 1 form and click on Create. The Space ID and CMA token are obtained directly from your Contentful account.
2.1. Space ID in Contentful
Click in Settings and General Settings, and click to copy the Space ID.
2.2. CMA Token in Contenful
Go to Settings and click on CMA tokens.
Click in Create personal access token
Choose a token name
Choose an expiration date if you wish
Click in Generate
Click to copy the CMA token and go back to Bureau Works.
3. Bureau Works App Installation (on Contentful)
Click in the button Install Bureau Works on Contentful.
Choose the Space and Environment in which you want to install this application and click Continue.
Click on Authorize Access to start the process of setting up this application.
Provide the API ID and Secret Key from your Bureau Works account, then click "Test Connection" to verify the validity of these credentials.
If you haven't created any API ID and Secret Key yet, go to your profile in Bureau Works, navigate to Security, and click on Generate to copy the access credentials.
⚠️ Warning: Generating a new key will invalidate the previous one, so remember to update the services using this key to ensure proper connectivity.
Copy the Connector Config UUID that you created in the "Create new configuration for this installation" section and paste it below. Then, select the workflows in which you wish to create projects in Bureau Works. And click Install to selected environments to finish the installation.
After installing the app, it's necessary to define which content models can utilize the app in the sidebar.
4. New Configuration Group (Project Configuration)
Click the "Add New Configuration Group" button as illustrated in 3 of the "Installing the Bureau Works App" section.
Give a name to this configuration group, select the configuration you initially created, choose the organization unit for this configuration, and choose the contact person. Ensure that the unit has the source and target locales configured correctly to guarantee project creation. Click on Create to finish it.
In the Configuration Group tab, you can view the created Config Group.
5. Translation Request (Single Entry)
Navigate to the Content tab in Contentful and select an entry that you previously configured in the Content model installation in the "Installing the Bureau Works App" section.
On the right side of the sidebar, you'll find the Bureau Works Application. Click on "Create project on Bureau Works" to initiate your first project in Bureau Works directly from Contentful.
Select the Project Config that you created in the section "Creating a Configuration Group." Ensure that the workflows and target locales are correct, then click on "Send to Bureau Works".
If your project was successfully created on the Bureau Works side, you will see the status for each locale.
By clicking on "Fetch translations" you can retrieve the translations once they are completed in Bureau Works.
6. Translation Requests (Multiple Entries)
Navigate to the Apps tab in Contentful and click in Bureau Works app (or Bureau Works - Demo).
When you enter the Bureau Works app, you'll see a screen with two tabs: "Create Project" and "List Projects". The first tab is where you select the content to be sent for translation on Bureau Works. The second is for listing projects created on Bureau Works so you can track progress or pull translations in batches as needed.
6.1. Filters to Search Content
Utilize filters to search content efficiently. Search by text within entries, by Content types, by Tags and Created by me and seamlessly navigate between pages without losing the context of previously selected entries. Keep track of your selections with the "Total Selected" count.
6.2. Submit Content for Translation
When you've chosen the content you want to batch create in Bureau Works, click on the "Create project on Bureau Works" button. Next, select the necessary settings and assign a name to your project. Once you've finalized the settings, click "Send to Bureau Works" and wait until you see a pop-up confirming that the project has been successfully created.
7. Listing Current Projects and Pulling Translations
In the "List Projects" tab, you can monitor your projects created from Contentful. In this list, you can view the associated content, languages, and the progress of translations in Bureau Works.
By clicking the "Show contents" button, you'll be able to view the list of entries associated with the project. Additionally, clicking on the information icon in the "Target Locales" column will display the list of languages to which each entry will be translated.
After the project has been marked as delivered in Bureau Works, you can retrieve the translations by clicking on the "Fetch translations" button. You can also click on "More actions" to select the "Force" option, which will pull the translations into the current state of Bureau Works, regardless of whether they are completed or not.